Slovakia Country: Daftar Situs Social Bookmark Dofollow Indonesia (New Post, New Update)

Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

Daftar Situs Social Bookmark Dofollow Indonesia (New Post, New Update)

This post is an update of the list of social bookmarking dofollow Indonesia I ever made years ago. Because it is outdated, and the update is endless, so I decided to make a list of recently, so it remains fresh posting. There are a lot of social bookmarking sites Indonesian dead. Although it is hunting for hours, not gained much. But I hope some of this new list can contribute greatly to the promotion of your blog content, and of course for SEO efforts, especially link building.

I thank you profusely on the social bookmarking Indonesian owners who have struggled to create and maintain its social bookmarks that still exist and can help the Indonesian Blogger. For the time being this list will I focus on the social bookmarking dofollow and nofollow fraction (still ounya value tables for visibility, and will not load / update using the social bookmarking URL redirect. Wherever possible, the future I will update with the various types of social bookmarking, especially in Indonesia.

Actually very unfortunate, sites like Sr. and Indofeed, which has high traffic should be closed down or sold again, because these sites actually have a very good chance, not only in Indonesia, but also internationally. But maybe there are a lot of factors that should make the owner shut down these sites.

Probably most or all social bookmarking sites dofollow Indonesia under my friend already knew. But it would not hurt to share my other buddies who might miss some of them. If nothing else, please add via comments.

Last Update (March 11, 2013):
1. Populerin Pr 0
 BlogMarkit. PR 2 (CLOSED!) sorry guys .... : (
2. InfoGue. PR 4
3. Debuk. PR 2
4. Qaafe. PR 4
5. BeritaSaya. now InfoPilihan PR 1
6. Popularized. PR 2
7. Share. PR 0
8. SitusPortal. PR 3 (suspended?!)
9. Bookmark Indonesia. PR 1
10. Beritague. N / A??
11. LintasMe. PR 4
12. Klowor. PR 1
13. JadiTerkenal. PR 0
14. BagiURL. PR 2 (suspended?, Wrote a check again!)
15. BeritaPilihan. PR 1
16. SosBok. PR 1
17. My Website (Got SumbawaNews). PR 0
18. Tunden. PR 2 (requiring admin approval / moderation before a post can be published)
19. LenteraSEO. PR 0
20. PR 1
21. LintasanInfo. Pr 1
22. Sal3ho. PR 1
23. NiatIngsun PR 2 (turned into a blog!)
24. Mbob PR 2
25. BlogInfoNews PR 2 (not found (404), page redirect to hostinger ID, use free hosting?)
26. LangitNews PR 2 (requiring admin approval / moderation before a post can be published)
27. Kemebul 0
28. IndoFeed 3 (alive again!)
29. Memomu 2
30. BeritaWoow 1
31.LintasInfo 0 (not found? I wear XL, for which use another ISP, if accessible, infokan).
32. LintasBeritain 1
33. LintasMeInfo 2
34. ManikBookmark 0
35. InfoGila 0
36. Lintasin 0

- Sites that no. 1 just present in the virtual universe. As my contribution to add to the list of social bookmarking dofollow Indonesia and of course to all Blogger pal, who has struggled to make quality content and want to promote your content with ease. Start now with the moderation system 3 first post, to avoid spam.
- Sorry, I deleted some bookmarking site because: is not active, it is not clear, and use the redirect url, frame, or use the onclick function. Nofollow is still not a problem because there remains a value. But if use the functions already mentioned, means no backlinks at all. Anyone know if there is a page at the top of that use the redirect function, or frame, please inform, I will immediately remove. Thanks
- Pagerank updated according to Google Pagerank update in February 2013.

Please submit blogs and content on social bookmarking sites above, not nyepam origin and follow the provisions of each site. :)

A little note and tips:
- How the heck do I nge-test social bookmarking nice? Is actually quite simple. Social bookmarking and classmates portal (ex, has a Google index update is very, very fast. Lapse of one or two minutes after publishing, the new bookmark pages Google indexed directly. Though there are hundreds to thousands of bookmarks on-submit every hour. I find out? After submit links / content, after some time, type the title of the post / bookmark in search engines.
- Take time to write down the description and title of the content submitted. At least, do not just copy and paste the description of the content. Avoid descriptions are not unique. To write a new sentence 3 or 4, I do not think it takes more than 5 minutes. In this way, a link from a page on the social bookmarking content has quality because the description in the unique surroundings and take it as a reference, not just a quote or footage alone. Equate this as a linkback of posting blog articles page.

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